This funny Jewish shirt will get you...
These inspiring Lion of Judah designs for Israel hoodies and T-shirts will express your sincere support of Israel to the world proudly.
The Lion of Judah has been a symbol for the city of Jerusalem for centuries and this unique design featuring a powerful Star of David symbol is an ult
Whenever in doubt, this shirt design featuring a classic Lion of Judah insignia will surely remind you about some of the best advice EVER!
This Israel shirt features a unique hand-drawn illustration combining two of the strongest icons of Jerusalem: The Lion of Judah and the Hebrew word - Zion.
This memorable Lion of Judah will make a powerful statement to the world every time you wear it!
Love lions? Love Israel? Then we've got the shirt for you. Through all our history lions have been an important symbol in the Jewish culture and are used many times in the Bible to symbolize the tribes of Judah.
This powerful Star of David and Lion of Judah design will express your sincere support of Israel to the world as well as your love of the inspiring Li
Not only does this Israel Hebrew shirt have the well-known “Lion of Judah” emblem from Genesis 49:9 that reflects bravery and strength, but it also has the “Star of David” which reflects our nation's Jewish identity and history.
Our exclusive black and silver "Lions of Judah" Israel shirt design has a vintage screen print with two lions, a regal crown and a coat of arms with the "Lions of Judah" inscription in artistic script.
Featuring a prominent Star of David, meaning in Hebrew literally a ‘Shield of David’, this Krav Maga shirt also expresses an important Jewish aspect of the self-defense organization, especially with the current wave of visible anti-Semitism that is becoming more noticeable in certain locations around the world.
Follow this majestic Lion of Judah to Israel or just enjoy wearing it WHEREVER you are in the world!
This Star of David shirt is the perfect combination of two of Judaism's most common symbols - the Jewish Star of David and within it the Lion of Judah.
This powerful Lion of Judah and Star of David emblem makes this the classic Israel crest design that is perfect for every occasion!
This Jerusalem shirt features an archaic crest depicting the Lion of Judah, a powerful design that is a well-known image that symbolized the ruling Israel Tribe of Judah.
Featuring an iconic insignia of the Lion of Judah, this Jerusalem shirt may be just the right solution for helping you to stay calm and focusing on something to benefit all generations of mankind - Praying for peace in Jerusalem!
With the famous phrase “Am Yisrael Chai” scripted across the top in lovely Hebrew letters meaning “The nation of Israel lives“, this classic Israel shirt design also includes a memorable inscription on the bottom written in English letters - Israel Forever.