Replicating the well-known uniform of...
If you are looking for a funny Jewish shirt that will create lots of laughter - we have something that is hilariously right for you! Just Jew it!
Wear this funny Jewish shirt every time you want to create a few laughs, the useful announcement is always a good reminder of just what is really necessary. First – keeping calm; and second – eating kosher, of course. ;)
Dress for the holiday in style at this year's Passover Seder celebration and become the trendiest member of the "Afikoman Search Squad" with a colorful Jewish shirt that will be sure to attract lots of attention.
Get our funny "I found the Afikoman" Jewish shirt today if you TOO had an awesome Passover Seder night that you don't want to forget soon!
This A Bisele Meshugana - one of the funnier Jewish shirts thate have in stock! A BIsele Meshugana is a Yiddish phrase that means... "a little crazy".
Replicating the well-known uniform of the Man of Steel, this "Super Jew" funny Jewish shirt succinctly depicts the Superman and Superwoman in every Jew.
Get this awesomely hilarious Jewish shirt with its motto "Just Jew It" and the amazing dunking rabbi to add a comic side to your wardrobe - and get a chance to win the MVJ (Most Valuable Jew) award for your team!
This cheerful "Shalom Y'all" Israel shirt is so friendly that it will say hi to everybody for you – in a special, old-fashioned way that will make everyone feel right at home!
This Super Mom shirt with a large heart and a Star of David inside will show mom just how much you think of her and can be the perfect gift for Mother's Day!
Spread laughter with this awesome Jew Jitsu funny Jewish shirt. You better watch out for this JEW! He knows Jew Jitsu!!
Get this awesomely hilarious Cap with its motto "Just Jew It" and the amazing dunking rabbi to add a comic side to your wardrobe. Now you can be witty as well as nicely dressed.
This funny Jewish Hebrew shirt logo humorously displays your rating of 100% Kosher for the whole world to see clearly!
This "Shalom Y’all" Israel shirt is a good way to greet the world on almost every day of the week and also a great way to make an instant connection with all those around you that love and support Israel!
Wear this funny Jewish shirt and you are certainly qualified as a Super Jew for brave and noble missions, and - oof - an everyday Jewish life.
Wear this funny Jewish shirt "Chosen One" to generate lots of laughter, to show your united solidarity with the Jewish people and to express your true appreciation of hilarious Jewish humor!!!
This cheerful Jewish shirt is a great way to share a positive message with the world as well as a good way to support Israel in an eye-catching image that certainly turns this into a delightfully funny Jewish T-shirt for everyday wear.
Add this funny Jewish shirt with a shofar to your wardrobe and enjoy the laughs... So? What are you waiting for? Just Jew It!
This year at the holiday dinner table, make sure to make everyone laugh with this funny Jewish shirt that says it all!
Avoid the confusion and the constant staring by wearing an informative and funny Jewish shirt that will explain the situation very clearly...
OK, now let's admit it - we love this funny Jewish shirt! Make everyone's holiday funnier and more laughter-filled with a cool print that will generate funny comments from all who see it!
Get this awesome funny Jewish shirt and join the hippest yeshiva kids of today doing the RoboRabbi!
Get our awesome Adidos Jewish shirt and join us for the upcoming Olympic games in style AND Jewish humor!
Meaning “Kiss my backside” in Yiddish slang, this funny Jewish shirt shows a little extra Israeli chutzpah and a lot of Jewish humor.
Wear this funny Jewish shirt ONLY in cases of dire urgency or in order to save someone who apparently might need some personal help. ;) UNLESS... (see below)
The entertaining message on this funny Jewish shirt is a classic reminder to all those who know the real secret to a long and happy Jewish life – Keeping Calm AND Eating Challah! Lots and lots of challah!!!
Once again a Jewish shirt about a Jewish cuisine that we aren't entirely sure how to define… well, we know it started out as a fish… Anyway, we made this nifty Gefilte Fish shirt to celebrate the final product.
Rated as Kosher by the relevant Jewish authorities, this Jewish shirt will be appreciated by most anyone who knows what kosher is, as well as maybe by those who don’t know quite so well.
Get this funny "Koogle" Jewish shirt today! (Notice we have also incorporated the logo of an up and coming internet firm you might recognize - it's always fun to lend a hand to small businesses in need…)
Written in bold letters, this funny Jewish shirt isn’t shy about just coming right out and saying in Hebrew - “Give me a kiss, I’m Jewish!”
This inspirational Jewish shirt sporting the English and Hebrew captions "Give a Smile it's all for good" was created by the "Breslov Hasidim" movement to remind you that however great your troubles, it's all part of a greater and better plan!
This hysterical slogan makes a funny Jewish shirt and is a great gift for anyone with a developed sense of humor.
This funny Jewish shirt has inscriptions in both English and Hebrew and features a very cute little pig above an appropriately amusing message – Not Kosher!
Wear this funny Jewish shirt while taking family pictures or just to stand in line at the bank. ;)
This funny Jewish shirt shows that your heart is in the right place and will be popular with lots of others – whether they are members of the tribe of Israel or not!
Enjoy the laughs and amusing comments that you will get every time you wear this funny Jewish shirt, especially from other kosher members of the tribe.
Show the world your Jewish sense of humor AND your preference for the “other” white meat – Gefilte Fish - with this funny Jewish shirt that is perfect for Passover as well as being hilarious to wear all year long!
Everybody remembers the day that he or she started Hebrew School, but as this funny Jewish shirt admits, most of us don't really remember what we learned there...
Show your sense of Jewish humor and ancestral pride with this funny Jewish shirt that says it all! This jewish shirt is perfect for the Passover holiday and also a hilarious slogan to wear anytime throughout the year.
Giving the iconic saying a new humorous twist with an unexpected image of a soccer playing Haredi sportsman, this funny jewish shirt is an instant classic and will be sure to turn more than a few heads every time you wear it! Remember… Just Jew it!
Get this epic Afikoman Jewish shirt and join Afikoman in an exciting and fun-filled mission as he makes this the most ultimate Passover quest ever!
A humorous take on the famous slogan turns this into an instantly likable funny Jewish shirt that will be certain to get plenty of laughs and hilarious comments from others whenever you wear it!
Making a Yiddish reference to Jewish girls who aren’t "extremely orthodox", the playful design on this funny Jewish shirt is a humorous expression that will probably generate lots of responses from others.
Dear Balak is a funny Israel Hebrew shirt that makes reference to a common Arabic phrase, the slogan is also an original humorous Hebrew expression that was made popular on the internet.
This funny Jewish shirt “I’m So Chai” uses the Hebrew letters for the word ‘Chai’ to create a spirited Jewish slogan that is certainly unique and one that can aptly convey any number of potentially relevant meanings simultaneously!
As this funny Jewish shirt confesses - you can't just tell a Jewish mother to keep calm, because there is no Jewish mother who can actually do it.
This funny Jewish T-shirt points you out as a true lover of Hanukkah and does it in a very down-home and friendly style! Also a great gift for the Hanukkah loving Jewish men and boys of the tribe!
Express yourself as a “Shomer Shabbos” with a good sense of Jewish humor or just show your respect for the other kosher members of the tribe that “Don’t Roll on Shabbas” with a funny Jewish shirt.
If you are looking for a funny Jewish shirt that will create lots of laughter - we have something that is hilariously right for you! Just Jew it!
If you would appreciate a funny Jewish T-shirt that will generate lots of laughter and can truly express your own personal Jewish humor, we have the perfect selection of designs that you will love to enjoy wearing just to hear the laughs!
Our funny jewish shirts can truly express your own personal Jewish humor or just lighten up the atmosphere with a funny Jewish expression during the Jewish holidays,
Our selection of Jewish shirts are filled with well-known Jewish sayings and Jewish holiday designs as well as plenty of funny Jewish t-shirts that make proud (and also hilarious) references to thousands of years of Judeo culture as well as expressing a deep connection to the State of Israel and the Jewish people.
If you would prefer a funny Jewish shirt that can lighten up the atmosphere during the Jewish holidays, we have something that is just right for you!
Why Funny Jewish Shirts??
Funny Jewish shirts exist for people to laugh about themselves, to show their pride in being a Jew or to share a "secret" joke with other Jews that they may see on the streets – no matter what the actual reason behind it is - these Jewish humor (see Funny Jewish t shirts) shirts are really fun to wear and also make great Jewish gifts for those members of the tribe with a good sense of humor.
Turn your personal statement into laughter...
Experts say that clothing is a distinct way for someone to express themselves - and these funny Jewish t-shirts are no exception.
Choose the right fashion style, the perfect color selection, and the right size – and then just select the joke you prefer from our many funny Jewish shirts.
Being Jewish doesn't always have to be so serious, so lighten up, laugh - and wear these shirts with pride!